Auto Basics: Troubleshooting and Mechanical Tips

How To Know When It's Time To Purchase A New Boat Battery

by Anthony Ortiz

It is crucial that you are able to tell when you need to invest in some more marine batteries. The last thing you ever want is to find yourself out in the middle of the water when your boat battery finally completely gives out on you. This can be a scary situation, especially if you are really far away from the coast. This is why you need to spend a little time checking out the following signs that can indicate that you need to purchase and install another boat battery.

It's Taking Longer For The Engine To Turn Over

Are you starting to struggle when it comes time to turn the engine on? If you are finding that it is starting to become progressively harder and harder to get the engine to turn over, you will want to consider testing the battery. You can have it tested to see how much juice is left in it, but regardless of that, if it is not as powerful as before, it would be wise to purchase another battery. Even if the new battery is just kept with you until the current battery completely dies, it's a good thing to have.

There's Visible Damage To The Battery

Take a look at the boat battery that is currently hooked up. Does it look almost as good as new? If it doesn't and it actually looks as though it is really old and damaged, it is probably time to just invest in and install a new boat battery. Corrosion, melted plastic, and any signs of distress should be taken into consideration. The boat battery is probably not going to last much longer so it would be wise to go ahead and replace it now. This way, you will be able to spend many more hours out on the water without having to worry about the battery suddenly dying on you. Just make sure that you are getting all of the information you need so you can purchase the appropriate size boat battery. Then all you have to do is swap them.

It would be a good idea to start shopping around for boat batteries now, even if you do not think your boat needs a replacement just yet. This way, you will know which company sells the best quality batteries, offers good warranties on those batteries, and sells them at a price that fits within your budget.

For more info about boat batteries, contact a local company. 
